K3SD Philippines
K3SD Philippines

K3SD Philippines

2 yrs ·Translate

We've got good news!

Katipunan ng mga Kabataang Kristyano para sa Sanlipunang Demokrasya's page here on Gruppl is now verified!

We would like to thank all our supporters and Gruppl for making this possible.

2 yrs ·Translate

The Katipunan ng mga Kabataang Kristyano para sa Sanlipunang Demokrasya commends Rep. Benny Abante for filing HB 5717 or the Act Recognizing, Defining and Protecting the Rights of Heterosexuals.

We believe that it is about time for our legislature to recognize that gender equality can only be achieved if the LGB community and the Straight community alike are given equal opportunities and protection.

It is our hope that HB 5717 and the Anti-Discrimination Bill will complement each other so that the Philippine society can truly start forging the road to gender equality.


2 yrs ·Translate

Quote of the Day | Ruth Kelly

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2 yrs ·Translate

The Katipunan ng mga Kabataang Kristyano para sa Sanlipunang Demokrasya strongly condemns the UN Human Rights Committee's act of dictating the internal affairs of the Philippines that are protected by our Constitution when they submitted proposals to push the Philippines to legalize abortion, divorce and the current iteration of the Anti-Discrimination Bill. The right to life, the right to a family, the right to equality between the two sexes and the right to self-determination are all enshrined under Article 2 of the 1987 Constitution[1] and not even multinational entities have the right to meddle with that without the express permission of the Filipino people.

(Continued in the comments section due to character limits)


2 yrs ·Translate

Welcome to the official page of the Katipunan ng mga Kabataang Kristyano para sa Sanlipunang Demokrasya!

We are the Christian social democratic wing of the Kabataang Nagkakaisa sa Diwa at Layunin ng Sambayanan.

Like our page and stay tuned for updates!