Best Laser Hatching Treatment in Hyderabad

Laser Hatching Treatment in Hyderabad

Esha IVF uses the scientific IVF process known as "laser-assisted hatching," which is carried out by qualified IVF professionals. Women who are having trouble getting pregnant because of crooked or thick zona pellucida layers benefit from laser hatching. A medical operation known as "embryo surgery" or "laser-assisted hatching" softens the embryo shell to boost implantation rates and raise pregnancy rates. The embryo's ability to hatch and the implant is what matters most during pregnancy, and laser hatching aids in both of these processes.


Suitable persons for laser hatching:

  • Females older than 37 years old.
  • Bring forth a lot of follicles.
  • Hormone (FSH) Stimulates early in their cycle.
  • have IVF cycles that failed.
  • tend to create a zona pellucida that is thicker and tougher.


In this laboratory method, the outer shell is hatched using a laser beam to make embryo implantation easier. A fixed circle of colored light is used to mark the location of the laser's firing point. Only the effects of the hatching laser may be observed because the laser itself is invisible.

A laser beam causes the embryo shell to disintegrate and release energy. To make a full hole in the shell, the laser is fired three times. However, depending on the power settings, method, and spot size, this specific technique may change. The embryo is not harmed during its hatching, ensuring a healthy pregnancy.

In comparison to other procedures, assisted hatching with a laser is thought to be safer, quicker, and easier, and it can even increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant during an IVF cycle.

Women older than 37 who have had a successful IVF cycle may benefit from laser hatching. Patients who are unable to become pregnant naturally and have elevated day 3 FSH may benefit from this therapy. Even patients with thick and atypical eggshells have lower success rates for embryo implantation, therefore laser hatching can help with that.

Patients who have had unsuccessful IVF rounds in the past may benefit from this therapy. Due to the aforementioned reasons, laser hatching is becoming more and more common for IVF hatching.

How Is Hatching Helped by Lasers?

Assisted hatching takes place while the embryo is in a laboratory during an IVF or ICSI cycle (typically on Day 3)

The embryo's outer layer is either punctured before being returned to the womb or thinned using laser or mechanical techniques.

A few laser pulses are fired to break through the embryo's outer shell during laser-assisted hatching. To prevent damage to the embryonic cells, the laser is discharged a great distance from them. The amount of time each embryo spends outside the incubator is kept to a minimum because this process only takes a few seconds for each embryo.



  • Compared to acidic hatching processes, this method of hatching is easy, quick, and safe.
  • Since the laser's accuracy is pre-programmed, it is accurate.
  • With LAH, pregnancy rates increase from 50% to 65%.
  • simply needs a few milliseconds to finish.
  • the automated method with a lower likelihood of human error.
  • enhances the effectiveness of IVF and ICSI operations significantly.



Treatment Process:

On the third day following certification during an IVF or ICSI cycle, the IVF professionals utilize a powerful light beam. The embryo is able to emerge from its shell thanks to the help of this light beam. It merely takes a few seconds and has no negative effects on the embryo. The embryo is then put back into the woman's uterus where it can connect to the lining and continue to develop. In order to allow implantation to the uterine lining, the procedure aids in breaking apart the embryo's shell, and lasers are the quickest and safest way to carry out assisted hatching. In a matter of seconds, the laser creates minute holes in the zone pellucida.

Visit the Esha IVF facility to learn more about laser hatching and other IVF techniques.



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