Learn Key Fundraising Strategies Through Metasoft Webinars

Metasoft Systems offers a series of webinars covering various topics to help you meet new challenges in fundraising. Pick and choose what you want to learn.

Metasoft Systems offers a series of webinars covering various topics to help you meet new challenges in fundraising. Pick and choose what you want to learn.

Developing a Compelling Case for Support

Detailed presentation of the case for support and all the tools needed to create a compelling case. The case for support is the most important foundation funding fundraising tool for a non-profit organization. It is the basis for all fundraising strategies and efforts (individual, foundation, government and corporate). This webinar will show you how to develop a case from scratch; how to use it to identify prospective donors and create compelling fundraising documents and appeals; and how to refine it to better respond to the current (and very competitive) philanthropic environment.

Get Grants by Making the Right Moves with Foundations

How to conduct quality prospective funder research, and manage the process efficiently and effectively to successfully raise money from foundations. This webinar will present every step in the research and management of prospective funders. You’ll learn how to use prospect research tools; quickly and effectively find foundation matches and create a high quality list of prospects; manage the prospective funder process; connect to and cultivate foundation directors; and, most importantly, how to turn declined proposals into “yes!” and increase your funding.

Secrets of Successful Grant Writing

The key elements of writing successful grant proposals and letters of inquiry. To succeed at foundation fundraising, non-profit organizations need to submit professional, impactful and detailed documents. It is also imperative to know what foundations look for and expect in these materials. This webinar will present the secrets to creating successful fundraising letters of inquiry and grant proposals.


fundraising strategy

non-profit crowdfunding organization

grant seeker opportunity


Foundation Search

11 Blog posts
