Deschamps leaves France camp following d

Deschamps leaves France camp following d

Didier Deschamps has left Frances training camp following the death of his father, French Football Federation president Noel Le Graet has announced. New York Giants Jackets Training se sions on Tuesday were run by a sistant bo s Guy Stephan, while a tweet was posted of the team gathering for a moments silence.Les Bleus are preparing for four Nations League fixtures this month, the first of which is against Denmark on Friday before a Croatia double-header New York Giants Jersey sandwiches a clash with Austria.Le Graet said: It is with great sadne s that I have heard of the pa sing of Didiers father. Didier went to join his relatives and I a sure him of my friendship and my New York Giants Pet Gear support in this ordeal. Croatia bo s Zlatko Dalic has also left his teams base after his father Kenny Golladay Jersey also died.Dalic had led training on Tuesday before being informed of the news.We received this news with great sadne s about Zlatkos fathers death, Croatian Football Federation president Marijan Kustic said.We expre s our deepest condolences to Zlatko and his family and tell him that the entire Croatian football family is standing by him in this difficult time.Croatia face Austria on Friday, with their France Eli Manning Jersey fixtures coming either side of a trip to Denmark.


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