Manchester Citys Future Manchester Citys Future

Manchester Citys Future Manchester Citys Future Manchester Citys Future Manchester Citys Future

There is no doubt that since Man City have been taken over by the Middle East they have inflated the game financially. That wasnt the aim. The aim was to attract the best players to play for them in order to win everything. Unfortunately the only way to do that is to spend big money and offer even bigger wages. To be honest this type of mad spending has diluted the game as a spectacle for fans and distanced elite players from the real world into the untouchables.Money as we are seeing this season doesnt guarantee succe s. Man City now are fifteen or so points off the pace. For all the money they have spent over the years they havent Mychal Kendricks Jersey been able to match Man Utds ability to consistently win or challenge for the title year in year out. So much has been written these past few seasons about Man City and the goings on at the club. Big Egos, players acting like children, a club spending so much money to basically buy up any talent that isnt playing for Real Madrid or Barcelona.Money may have short term implications, as we have seen in the past with Chelsea, to bring short term succe s to a club. I dont really want to go on too much about Chelsea as Abramovich has slightly ruined the club D.J. Fluker Jersey going through more managers per year than Blackburn would in a month. Why the owner thinks he can gain from this I will never know.Man City however have chance to do something only a few clubs have done in England and even fewer clubs have done around the world. Become Great. What do i mean by that? Well in order to explain we have to take look at the history books. In the 1950s Europe started a competition that has become the biggest competition in in the club game. Real Madrid started off with a bang winning the first 5 in a row and have 9 European cups in total. It started with a man call Santiago Bernabu Yeste in the 50s. He became president of his great club and had a drive to make it one of the most succe sful clubs in the world.Ever since those famous years Real Madrid have had a long and proud tradition on succe s and drive within its foundation and continues to this day. Everyone will remember the famous Galcticos in 2000. Great players such as Zidane, Figo, Morientes, Raul and so on. Why did those type of players go to Madrid? The Money? Obviously but not just because of the good pay, it was because of who Shaquill Griffin Jersey Madrid are and the proud history held by the club. For most players it was an honour to play for such a great club.Coming closer to the Premier League there are many clubs have this same proud tradition and history. Liverpool of late, as we all know havent been great. But they are considered a big club and probably always will. Liverpool is more than just a club. It is a living breathing entity and when the club lose it is felt Justin Britt Jersey by all its fans. Liverpool have a history that most clubs can only dream of except for their big rivals Man Utd of coarse.And thats the point. History. Man City dont have any or at least have very little of it. Although they are an old club, they are a relatively new club in the eyes of the Elite of Europe. They dont have the history that other great clubs have. But they can. It is history that can turn Man City from a money spending snake slithering along gobbling up players and spiting them out without any real purpose.The club has everything it needs to go from a pointle s football wrecking ball of a club to one of the greats in the world. It has wealthy owners who, to their credit, dont get involved in team matters and have trusted in their manager so far. They dont seem to follow the Abromavich rule of hiring managers just as a P.A while he runs the team from the directors box.Man City have some great fans who have followed the team not just now but when the were bouncing up and down between Championship and Premier League. They understand what its like to follow a team that has gone through more bad times than good and watched their city rivals go unchallenged for years. They have the fans that arent just expectant, they are supportive.All that remains now is for them to be consistent and patient. Build on what they have and given time they will NFL Seattle Seahawks Jersey win League titles, Cups and most important the Champions League. As i said before they have all the right ingredients to become one of the greats. I hope they do it. If they dont, then I feel that all would be lost in the Beautiful Game. There wouldnt be much point for anyone else.


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