How To Get Quality Sleep During Stressful Times?

The past one decade has opened up umpteen career opportunities and with that we have unlocked new levels of stress. This has made us sit in poker faces with anxious thoughts on the dining table and with wide open eyes on our custom foam mattress at night. There is no iota of doubt that sle

The past one decade has opened up umpteen career opportunities and with that we have unlocked new levels of stress. This has made us sit in poker faces with anxious thoughts on the dining table and with wide open eyes on our custom foam mattress at night. There is no iota of doubt that sleep gets most affected when you are stressed. And if not taken care of, things can get worse. So, what should be done if one is feeling too stressed and isn’t getting quality sleep? Today, Safari mattresses, the best custom mattress company of India brings to you ways to achieve quality sleep time during stressful times.

A sneak-peak into quality sleep

Woke up with an angry face? Do you feel irritated after waking up but don’t know what's the reason behind your mood? Well, maybe you ain’t having quality sleep at night. Quality sleep is defined as the satisfactory sleeping experience one has every night. As per experts, quality sleep has four components:

  • Efficiency
  • Latency
  • Duration of sleep’
  • Waking up after falling asleep.

Some experts also include other factors such as the age of the person, their Body Mass Index (BMI), the stage of dream sleep (also known as REM) etc. Apart from these physiological factors, environmental factors such as the temperature of the room you are sleeping in, your poor-quality custom foam mattress, your recent screen time etc. can play an important role in determining the quality of sleep for you. 

Quality sleep comes with umpteen perks. Some of these include waking up with a happy face, having normal reflexes throughout the day, making relationships healthier and feeling good and rested on a whole. However, if one doesn’t have a quality sleep for a long time, the person eventually becomes cranky, feels irritated, there is a drop in their productivity and often leads to increase in the consumption of caffeine and alcohol by the person which has detrimental health effects. When we emphasize stress, it means our sleep is getting bothered by a psychological factor which also includes anxiety and depression.

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Ways to get quality sleep during stressful times

There are various things you can do even during your packed schedule to achieve a quality sleep experience every night. Safari mattresses lays down certain ways in which you can do this:

  • Have a sleep schedule.

In our daily lives, we maintain a schedule for everything, be it your important office meeting to your special chia seeds smoothie intake. But we forget to maintain a sleep schedule. But it’s never too late to begin. For a consistent sleep, wake up at a particular time and hit the bed at a particular time. Initially, you will find it hard. But try to keep up with the schedule throughout a week including weekends, and eventually, it will become easier.

  • Change your mattress.

Believe it or not, your mattress plays a very important role in quality sleep. If you have a worn out mattress, it can be bad for your back or neck. And how can we forget the spliting headache that you get after waking up? Somewhere or the other the turning and tossing over the course of night on your poor-quality mattress is to be blamed. Wish to change your mattress? Well, order mattress online from Safari mattresses at the best mattress price online. Give yourself a quality sleep every night.

  • Practice mindfulness

Sometimes, practicing meditation can help you get rid of unbidden and anxious thoughts. It puts you in a state of tranquility and you sleep soundly. Try using some meditation apps or watch some YouTube videos on the same.

  • Reduce your screen time.

In this fast-paced world, we have surrounded ourselves with screens. Remember the last time when you had dinner wihtout scrolling through Instagram or had a family conversation without breaking for a Skype meeting? The use of screens has affected our sleep cycle to a great extent. Gadgets such as TVs, laptops and phones have screens that emit blue light. This blue light can break the momentum of your body’s internal clock and distrubs your sleep cycle. So, it you need to achieve quality sleep do not look into a screen before an hour of hitting the bed and after an hour of waking up. 

Achieving quality sleep isn’t tough if you firmly practice these techniques. We’re here with you! Get your custom foam mattress via fast delivery from Safari mattresses now!

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