Technical indicators of microwave power splitter

microwave power splitter

Technical specifications of microwave power splitter include frequency range, power withstand, distribution loss from main circuit to branch, insertion loss between input and output, isolation between branch ports, and voltage standing wave ratio of each port.

1. Frequency range. This is the operating premise of various RF/microwave circuits, and the design structure of microwave power splitters is closely related to the operating frequency. The operating frequency of the distributor must first be defined before the following design can be carried out

2, withstand power. In large microwave power splitter/ synthesizer, the maximum power a circuit component can withstand is the core index, which determines what form of transmission line can be used to achieve the design task. Generally speaking, the order of power transmission line from small to large is microstrip line, strip line, coaxial line, air strip line, air coaxial line, to choose which line to use according to the design task.

3. Distribution loss. The main-to-branch distribution loss is essentially related to the microwave power splitter's power distribution ratio. For example, the distribution loss of two-equal microwave power splitter is 3dB, and the distribution loss of four-equal microwave power splitter is 6dB.

4. Insertion loss. The insertion loss between input and output is due to the unsatisfactory medium or conductor of the transmission line (such as microstrip line), and the loss caused by the standing wave ratio at the input is considered.

5. Isolation degree. The isolation between branch ports is another important index of microwave power splitter. If the power input from each branch port can only be output from the main branch port, and not from other branches, adequate isolation between branches is required.

6. Standing Wave ratio. The smaller the voltage standing wave ratio at each port, the better.

microwave power splitter


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